In 1924, the United States passed an immigration law that limited the number of unskilled workers who could enter the country. This law, known as the Johnson-Reed Act, aimed to reduce the number of immigrants from southern and eastern Europe, as well as Asia.
The Johnson-Reed Act established a quota system that limited the number of immigrants from each country to 2% of the total number of people from that country who were living in the United States in 1890. This effectively favored immigrants from northern and western Europe, who had arrived in large numbers before 1890.
The law also imposed other restrictions on immigration. It prohibited all immigration from Asia, except for Japan and the Philippines. It also required immigrants to have a certain level of education or a certain skill set. This meant that unskilled workers, who were mostly from southern and eastern Europe, were unable to enter the United States.
The Johnson-Reed Act was controversial from the start. Critics argued that it was discriminatory and violated the principles of freedom and equality that were the foundation of the United States. Some also argued that it would harm the economy by limiting the supply of labor.
Despite these criticisms, the Johnson-Reed Act remained in effect until 1965, when it was replaced by a new immigration law that eliminated the quota system and allowed more immigrants from non-European countries to enter the United States.
Today, the legacy of the Johnson-Reed Act can still be felt. The law helped to shape the demographic makeup of the United States, and its effects can still be seen in the racial and ethnic divides that exist in American society.
In conclusion, the Johnson-Reed Act was an agreement that limited the immigration of unskilled workers to the United States. While it was controversial and discriminatory, it remained in effect for over 40 years and helped to shape the demographic makeup of the country. Its effects can still be felt today, and it serves as a reminder of the complex history of immigration in the United States.